Sunday, July 18, 2010

I can love you but.......

I can love you, and do what I think is best but I cant force you to be reasonable or nice. I was never given the chance to comply with YOUR wishes without hostility and pain. Although I love you dearly I must let you go. Had you come to me and ask without the attitude and lies I would have no problem working things out. But you fired at me so I fired back, know all I really care about is where my heart is at. Money and objects mean little to me when it comes to my family, but I will not take the threats and trash talking lightly. It maybe settled but the scars are still there. One day I hope to get back what we have, but there are somethings I will never forget. The words maybe deleted but forever stuck in my head. And oh yeah your no better then anyone else including me so stop acting that way. Atleast I am taking care of my resopsiblities. Like I said I love you but I must let you go.........

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